Creation Cafe – launching 19th Feb 2024

Sometimes we’re given a vision of what might be a good thing to do, but it can be a very long time before we actually see that idea come to fruition.

A few years ago, we identified a need and a desire to form some sort of community cafe in Eversley, either based at or building from the church fellowship at St. Mary’s. However, planning to use Eversley Village Hall launch something in the spring of 2020 proved a little ‘frustrating’ due to the pandemic, and then the life of the community moved on…

But good ideas don’t die, they just mould themselves to fit new circumstances. So, we’re trying again, and it’s close enough to next week’s launch without a major, world-changing hiccup, that hopefully this time it will happen!

The ‘Creation Cafe’ has been so named to reflect the interests of at least some of the people who are attracted to St. Mary’s, and hopefully offer a small, informal place of refreshement for the whole community, as well as visitors. Situated down a lane with access to Bramshill Forest, near an antiques centre, with Rev’d Charles Kingsley as a previous Rector, and with some quirky but eye-catching art within the building itself, St. Mary’s attracts a wide range of walkers, artists, and creatives, as well those who just want to gently enjoy the delights of this quiet corner of the Hampshire border.

Intitially we’ve only been able to offer this little cafe facility on Monday afternoons (partly because I don’t have more time I can set aside for this), but my prayer is that as it get’s better known, more people with be inspired by the idea and greater opportunities will arise. I’m particularly praying that we can run the cafe on more days, and that we can offer a couple of craft workshops that make use of the building and glorious churchyard later this year. But a journey of a thousand miles, starts with a single step…!

If you are passing Eversley, as many do, please stop in on a Monday; you will be very welcome.

Some of the glorious artwork of the ‘arts and crafts’ screen at St. Mary’s Church, Eversley

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